29th August, 2019

Workers’ Compensation Injury Hotline

1300 423 456

Our Injury Hotline offers a unique service encompassing preventative health, early intervention, support and long term care.

We have extensive experience in Workers’ Compensation claims and we focus on the fundamentals of receiving the right care at the right time.

Our hotline provides solutions aimed at helping injured workers return to work which include best in class screening, streaming, monitoring of post injury diagnosis, treatment and claims management, facilitated through our 24/7 1300 Injury Hotline support.

Our Injury Hotline can be called for any worker injury that is not an emergency. You can call to arrange a GP appointment or even to obtain first aid advice if the worker has:

  • Minor head injuries
  • Facial or eye injuries
  • Shoulder or arm injuries
  • Knee or leg injuries
  • Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Minor burns.

However, Emergency Services (000) should be called if the worker has:

  • Lost consciousness
  • Serious head injuries
  • Amputations
  • Poisoning
  • Suspected heart attack
  • Electrocution
  • Major burns
  • Major trauma
  • Spinal fractures.

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Author: Murray Bruce